Poll Finds Uninsured Consumers More Willing To Accept Narrow Networks For Lower Premiums.

According to a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation, many Americans may be willing “to trade access to a wide range of medical providers for lower premiums” on their health insurance. As the Los Angeles Times Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (2/27, Levey) reports network limits stemming from the Affordable Care Act “have drawn criticism from opponents” of the law. However, the poll suggested this may not remain a point of contention, as “54% of those between the ages of 18 and 64 who are uninsured or who buy health coverage on their own said they would rather have a health plan that costs less, even if it has a limited range of doctors and hospitals.”

Bloomberg News Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (2/27, Chen) reports that the poll shows “consumers shopping on the Obamacare exchanges are thriftier than the general public,” or as Dan Mendelson, chief executive officer of Avalere Health puts it, “The individual market has always been more sensitive to costs.”

The Kaiser Health News Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (2/27, Rau) “Capsules” blog notes that among those who purchase coverage through their employer, the numbers are reversed: “fifty-five percent would rather buy a plan that costs more but allows them to see a wider range of doctors and hospitals.”